Community Owned. Local News. Burke County, NC.

The Editor's Must Reads

It's unfair to ask me which edition of The Paper is my favorite. They are my children and I love each one for different reasons. Same thing for the stories inside. Picking my must-reads for any week is challenging. If you have already read the June 29 edition cover to cover, thank you. Let me know which stories you would label your picks.
The three stories on the front page are typically ones I don't mention in these Monday emails. Their location on the front should make it obvious that the stories are important. Today, however, I'm not leaving it to chance. 1A is particularly diverse this week.
Nathanael Eure's first front-page story is across the top. If you take prescription medications or have a loved one who does, read his story about how local pharmacies are fighting predatory drug pricing

Some 10-month employees in Burke County Public Schools will potentially be affected by a new rule to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Read Charda Pearson's explanation of how school district employees may go from exempt to non-exempt and salary to hourly. 

Burke County, and the state in general, has a storied furniture industry history. Our illustrious Editor Emeritus Bill Poteat interviews furniture designer Scott Coley about his new furniture design book, which is now required reading at his alma mater, Kendall College of Art and Design in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Oh, and did I mention there is an update about the sinkhole by the Morganton Post Office? Snuck that one at the end of the email to see if you are paying attention.

Stay cool and Happy Fourth of July.