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Scott Coley Publishes Groundbreaking Book on Furniture Design


Scott Coley, a renowned furniture designer with deep roots in the industry, has published a comprehensive book titled "Elements of Furniture Design." The book, produced by Schiffer Publishing and edited by Ian Robertson, was published in May and has already been included in the required reading lists at Kendall College of Art and Design.

  • Book Overview: "Elements of Furniture Design" is divided into four sections covering the furniture designer's role, construction elements, ornamentation, and designing collections for the industry.

  • Inspiration and Purpose: Coley wrote the book to preserve essential knowledge, share his passion, and contribute to the education of future designers.

  • Professional Background: Coley's illustrious career includes designing for major furniture brands and winning multiple Pinnacle Awards from the International Society of Furniture Design.

  • Impact of COVID-19: The pandemic provided Coley the time to focus on the book, allowing him to compile his knowledge and insights methodically.

  • Overcoming Dyslexia: Despite being diagnosed with dyslexia as a child, Coley achieved academic and professional success, highlighting the importance of perseverance and support.

  • Availability: The book is available at Thornwell Books in Morganton, major chains like Barnes & Noble, and online retailers.

A full version of this story will be included in Saturday's edition of The Paper.