Community Owned. Local News. Burke County, NC.

Morganton Teens Attend U.S. Olympic Swim Trials for a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience


Two 13-year-old swimmers from Morganton, Miles Lynam and Lucy Jones, attended the 2024 U.S. Olympic Swim Trials in Indianapolis. Lynam, a competitive swimmer, was gifted tickets for his birthday, while Jones served as a basket carrier for the event.

  • Attendance at Trials: Miles Lynam and Lucy Jones attended the 2024 U.S. Olympic Swim Trials at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

  • Personal Experience: Lynam, a competitive swimmer, celebrated his birthday by witnessing the event in person, seeing his idols like Michael Phelps.

  • Volunteer Role: Jones, as a basket carrier, helped manage athletes' belongings during the competition and interacted closely with Olympic swimmers.

  • Inspirational Impact: Both teens found the experience inspiring and unforgettable, reinforcing their passion for swimming.

  • Community Involvement: Jones’s mother highlighted the importance of local swim clubs like the Morganton Marlins Swim Club in fostering young swimmers' growth and encouraged interested families to join.

A full version of this story will be included in Saturday's edition of The Paper.